MTSS Multi-Tiered System of Support
As defined by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, “NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.” The goal is to prevent problems and intervene early so students can be successful.
Tiers of MTSS:
- Core Instruction - on grade level academic and/or behavioral (e.g., social-emotional, attendance, discipline) instruction that includes differentiation for struggling students as well as students working above grade level.
- Supplemental Instruction (in addition to Core Instruction) - acceleration and/or remediation in prerequisite grade level skills for students who are at-risk academically or behaviorally, or enrichment for students working above grade level.
- Intensive Instruction (in addition to Core and Supplemental Instruction) - more intensive or more frequent instruction on prerequisite grade level skills for students who are at-risk academically and/or behaviorally, or more intensive enrichment opportunities for students performing well above grade level.
Parents/ guardians of at-risk students will participate in the development and signing of an agreement with the school to provide the most effective educational opportunities for their children. Parents will be notified in writing by the teacher if it is determined that the child is having difficulty. A team comprised of the parent/guardian and school personnel will determine strategies to help improve the child’s academic progress. The teacher, parents, and students will review the plan quarterly.